
Erith Park siteNeverland is not Michael Jackson’s one in California but the former Larner Rod Estate, Erith. Pretoria, Hamlet, Medina, Norvic & Verona Houses are no more. The site is huge, far bigger than you could comprehend when the buildings where standing. It was only the 5th April last year when we had the Demolition Event Day on site & they started to nibble away at Pretoria House. At the moment the sun is shining, a relief from the wind & rain, that has been for the last month or so. The men have been working  through all this, everything is happening so fast. The first four buildings are going up, at least one at full height, five storeys high & some glazing has gone in. The estate is taking shape fast, with roads marked out & the foundations of some houses. Topping out is taking place on 4th February & the first phase is set to be finished by early 2015.