WIN_20140331_101657Thursday, 27th March 2014.

On the wall of Erith Park Community Room, there are photograms of every day objects taken by Trent Strickland. Trent is a talented photographer & school teacher. He teaches  15 & 16 year olds photography at a school in Hampstead & has also taught at the local Pearswood School.

Francois Jensen, Community Liaison Officer,  suggested making a montage of photograms to be displayed on the hoarding around the building site of Erith Park.  Photograms are photos of pictures, black on white & visa versa.

Trent held a workshop, so that we could make some for ourselves. The theme was the now & then of Erith Park.  He had drawn some outlines in black, of tower blocks, the new low rise blocks & a nibbler , the machine used to knock down the buildings, for us to photograph & process. He showed us how it was all done & it was slow to start with but once we had taken our first photos, there was no stopping us .  Once we found our feet, we laid one image on top of another to create a scene. We also made each letter of the alphabet from different size keys & photographed them, to go on the collage. We all had a great time & are looking forward to the next workshop when we are going to do the reversals of our photograms.


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